Dette aftryk blev sidst opdateret den 13. juli 2024.
Ejeren af denne hjemmeside er:
Mohsen Feshari
102- 5 Vicora Linkway, North York PÅ M3C1A4
Telefonnummer: 4164508394
The legal representative(s) of Mohsen Feshari :
Mohsen Feshari
1. General
Vi er ikke villige eller forpligtede til at deltage i tvistbilæggelsesprocedurer for et forbrugervoldgiftsnævn.
2. Følgende oplysninger er obligatoriske i henhold til tysk lov.
3. Yderligere oplysninger
My business is to Introduce a global online platform, dedicated to helping people to start up their own online businesses with low investment. The platform provides access to the tools and guidance needed to create a successful online business. During the business, a very unique product is sold automatically to the new investor in exchange for their investment and he/she will be the new distributor of the company.
The new distributor will be allowed to start training and he/she will be supported by a mentor, a coach, and a worldwide community of about 160,000, while landing pages, email marketing, and sales system will be automated. All the interactions are documented and the final yearly income will be taxed based on the local governments, and the distributor just needs to be focused on online marketing.
The business model and the unique high-commission product are patented and the producer, with fifty years of background in the field, has offices in many cities around the world doing the best customer service.